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Fireplace TV Stand
This is the best buy that I have made in a long time. It has a modern appeal with functionality. The open shelving gives off the illusion of space while still being able to keep my family’s DVDs, games, and game consoles out of sight: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSuv4W-Jb5N/ I love how the TV stand is made of real wood so it does not...
fire burning on fireplace
Fireplace flues play an essential role in keeping the fire burning and the people around safe. They are vertical passages that allow smoke to escape. Your fireplace flue needs to be open to create efficient fire while reducing smoke and carbon dioxide in the room. It is simply a channel in the chimney through which the smoke funnels through. It is...
Best Gas Fireplace Inserts
Electric fireplace inserts can provide surprising amounts of warmth and ambiance to a room. They can also add a touch of beauty through their design and color to any area. Some people feel drawn to this type of fireplace because it provides warmth and relief from the cold during colder months- without the mess of real firewood. Others like the...
gas fireplaces
Fireplace Entertainment Center Deals Here are the best deals on fireplace entertainment centers today, . I kick my feet up on the hassock by a roaring hearth with my favorite house Cabarnet and check for these deals every day. I  rank them by the largest percentage discounts from the retail price. Ash Bucket Deals Here are the best deals on fireplace ash buckets...
Best Wood Burning Stoves
There are many reasons to love the winter season, but here are a few of my own. It is beautiful. I love getting cozy at home. I love spending time hibernating with my family. This holiday season I am thankful for the little things in life. I am thankful to have an amazing wood burning stove which keeps my family so warm this...
brick fireplace that needs to be painted
A warm and inviting brick, wood burning fireplace is all you need on a cold night. You can snuggle up with someone you love, enjoy a hot cup of something delicious, or even just relax and read a book on your own. It can be romantic, comfortable, and warm. In addition, brick fireplaces can help you save on heating...
tabletop fireplace (2)
The types of tabletop fireplaces include: propane tabletop, wood-burning firepits, gel tabletops, and ethanol The best tabletop options are propane, gel, and ethanol- there aren't really wood-burning tabletop options. They're more like portable firepits. So, you're living in a small apartment and can't enjoy those amazing benefits of a fireplace. There is a better alternative you can use to...
whitewashed brick fireplace
Some people are giving up on their brick, wood-burning fireplaces because it can be difficult to clean, maintain, and keep looking good. With the ever-growing popularity of natural gas heating systems for homes, brick fireplaces are becoming less popular. If you decide to whitewash your brick fireplace, it can make it look more appealing and bring some life back into...
gas fireplace
I am really grateful to have a gas fireplace in my home. It has been a wonderful addition to our living room: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLjkMUhBCYg/   We decided to put our fireplace in the living room because it's the most used room in the house. We wanted it to be an inviting space for friends and family alike. A gas fireplace is a low-maintenance and...
outdoor fireplace
A fireplace is a great addition to almost any backyard or patio. They are fantastic for that cozy, winter feeling. And they can also be really good for the environment- depending on the style you go with. They are not just for heat though! There are so many other things you can do with your fireplace once the cold months...