Troubleshooting Guide: Common Reasons Why Your Pellet Stove Isn’t Feeding Pellets

Undoubtedly, a pellet stove that isn’t feeding pellets can be a significant hindrance, especially during chilly winter evenings. I’ve been there myself and understand how frustrating it can be.

After diving deep into the world of stoves and amassing substantial technical know-how on this topic, I’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you troubleshoot this issue. You’ll soon discover that not all problems require professional help; some can be resolved with a little patience and knowledge at home.

Let’s fire up your problem-solving skills together!

Key Takeaways

  • Low pellet supply in the hopper can cause your pellet stove to not feed pellets properly. Make sure to keep the hopper filled with dry and good quality pellets.
  • A jammed auger can prevent the proper feeding of pellets. Turn off the stove, unplug it, remove any obstructions, and restart the stove.
  • A malfunctioning auger motor can also cause feeding issues. Consider replacing it if necessary.
  • Clogged feed chutes and excessive dust or debris in the hopper can disrupt pellet feeding. Regularly clean and maintain these areas for smooth operation.

Common Reasons Why Your Pellet Stove Isn’t Feeding Pellets

There are several common reasons why your pellet stove isn’t feeding pellets, including low pellet supply in the hopper, a jammed auger, a malfunctioning auger motor, clogged feed chutes, excessive dust or debris in the hopper, and a faulty thermostat or temperature sensor.

Low pellet supply in the hopper

Few pellets in the stove hopper may stop it from feeding. It needs many pellets to work right. If you see fewer pellets, fill it up again. Make sure they are dry and of good quality for best results.

Don’t wait until the hopper is empty to add more pellets. Doing so can harm the parts inside your stove.

Jammed auger

If your pellet stove’s auger is jammed, it can prevent the proper feeding of pellets. This can happen if there is debris or foreign objects stuck in the auger mechanism. To resolve this issue, you will need to turn off the stove and unplug it for safety.

Then, remove any pellets from the hopper and inspect the auger for any obstructions. You may need to use a brush or a small tool to carefully dislodge any debris that may be causing the jam.

Once you have cleared the blockage, plug in and restart the stove to see if it resumes normal feeding operation. Remember to always follow manufacturer instructions when troubleshooting your pellet stove.

Malfunctioning auger motor

One common reason why a pellet stove isn’t feeding pellets is if the auger motor is malfunctioning. The auger motor is responsible for turning the auger, which moves the pellets from the hopper to the burn pot.

If the motor is not functioning properly, it can result in a lack of pellet feed or inconsistent feeding. This issue may require replacing the auger motor to ensure proper pellet delivery and stove operation.

Regular maintenance and inspection can help identify and address problems with the auger motor before they cause feeding issues.

Clogged feed chutes

Sometimes, a pellet stove may not be feeding pellets because the feed chutes are clogged. This can happen if there is dust or debris blocking the passage for the pellets to go from the hopper to the burnpot.

When this happens, the pellets cannot reach their destination and won’t burn properly. To fix this issue, it is important to regularly clean and maintain the feed chutes to keep them clear of any obstructions.

By doing so, you can ensure that your pellet stove is able to efficiently feed pellets and provide warmth in your home without any interruptions.

Excessive dust or debris in the hopper

When there’s too much dust or debris in the hopper of your pellet stove, it can prevent the pellets from feeding properly. This build-up can clog the feed mechanism and cause blockages.

To troubleshoot this issue, you should clean the hopper regularly and remove any excess dust or debris. Ensuring that the hopper is clean will help ensure smooth pellet feeding and avoid any potential problems with your stove.

Additionally, using high-quality pellets can minimize excessive dust accumulation in the hopper, which can lead to better overall performance of your pellet stove.

Faulty thermostat or temperature sensor

If your pellet stove isn’t feeding pellets, a faulty thermostat or temperature sensor could be the culprit. These components are responsible for regulating the temperature inside the stove and controlling when pellets should be fed into the burn pot.

If they are not working correctly, it can disrupt the feeding process.

One potential issue is that the thermostat or temperature sensor may be reading an incorrect temperature. This can cause the stove to think that it doesn’t need to feed more pellets, even if it does.

Another problem could be a complete failure of these components, which means they aren’t sending any signals to initiate pellet feeding.

To troubleshoot this problem, you can start by testing and calibrating the thermostat or temperature sensor according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, you may need to replace these parts with new ones.

Troubleshooting Steps to Resolve the Issue

To resolve the issue, follow these troubleshooting steps for your pellet stove: refill the hopper with an adequate amount of pellets, clear any obstructions in the auger or feed chutes, check and replace the auger motor if necessary, clean the hopper and remove any dust or debris, and test and calibrate the thermostat or temperature sensor.

Refill the hopper with an adequate amount of pellets

To ensure that your pellet stove is feeding pellets properly, one of the first things you should check is the hopper. Make sure it has enough pellets in it to allow for proper feeding.

If the hopper is empty or nearly empty, there won’t be enough fuel for the stove to burn and distribute heat effectively. By refilling the hopper with an adequate amount of pellets, you can help resolve any issues related to insufficient fuel supply.

Keeping a sufficient pellet supply will ensure consistent and efficient operation of your pellet stove.

Clear any obstructions in the auger or feed chutes

If your pellet stove isn’t feeding pellets, it could be because there are obstructions in the auger or feed chutes. These obstructions can prevent the pellets from properly moving through the system and reaching the burn pot.

To resolve this issue, you’ll need to clear any debris or blockages that may be present. This can involve manually removing any stuck pellets or using a brush to clean out any accumulated dust or debris.

By ensuring that the auger and feed chutes are free from obstructions, you can help restore proper pellet feeding in your stove.

Check and replace the auger motor if necessary

If your pellet stove isn’t feeding pellets, it could be because the auger motor is not working properly. The auger motor is responsible for turning the auger, which moves the pellets from the hopper to the burn pot.

If the motor is slowing down or failing, it can cause a lack of pellet feeding. To fix this issue, check the auger motor and replace it if necessary.

Clean the hopper and remove any dust or debris

To fix a pellet stove that isn’t feeding pellets, it’s important to clean the hopper and remove any dust or debris. This buildup can cause blockages and prevent proper pellet flow.

By clearing out the hopper regularly, you can ensure smooth feeding and avoid issues with your stove. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly clean the hopper and keep it free from any obstructions.

Regular maintenance like this can help prevent feeding problems in your pellet stove.

Test and calibrate the thermostat or temperature sensor

To troubleshoot your pellet stove, it’s important to test and calibrate the thermostat or temperature sensor. A faulty thermostat can cause the stove to not feed pellets properly. To do this, you can use a separate thermometer to check if the temperature matches what is being shown on the stove display.

If there is a discrepancy, you may need to recalibrate or replace the thermostat or temperature sensor. This will ensure that your pellet stove is feeding pellets at the right temperature for optimal performance.

Additional Tips for Proper Pellet Stove Maintenance

Regularly clean and maintain the stove components to ensure optimal performance. Use high-quality pellets to avoid jamming issues and keep the hopper and feed chutes clean and free from debris.

Additionally, schedule professional inspection and maintenance at least once a year for a thorough check-up of your pellet stove.

Regularly clean and maintain the stove components

It’s important to regularly clean and maintain the components of your pellet stove to ensure its proper functioning. Over time, dust, debris, and ash can accumulate in the hopper and on the auger, which can lead to feeding issues.

By cleaning these parts regularly, you can prevent blockages and keep the pellets flowing smoothly.

In addition to cleaning, it’s also important to inspect and maintain other stove components such as the exhaust system and igniter. Regularly check for any signs of wear or damage that may affect performance.

By taking care of your pellet stove through regular cleaning and maintenance, you can avoid common problems like poor burn quality or blackened glass.

Use high-quality pellets to avoid jamming issues

Using high-quality pellets is essential to prevent jamming issues in your pellet stove. Inferior quality pellets often contain more moisture and are prone to breaking apart, causing blockages in the feed system.

These blockages can disrupt the smooth flow of pellets into the burn pot, leading to feeding problems. By choosing high-quality pellets that have been properly processed and dried, you can ensure consistent and reliable fuel delivery.

This will enhance the performance of your pellet stove, minimize maintenance needs, and help you avoid frustrating jams that interrupt its operation. Remember to always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for pellet quality to keep your stove running smoothly.

Keep the hopper and feed chutes clean and free from debris

It’s important to keep the hopper and feed chutes of your pellet stove clean and free from debris. When there is dust or blockage in these areas, it can prevent smooth pellet feeding.

Regularly cleaning them will help ensure that the pellets can flow properly into the stove for efficient burning. This simple maintenance step will help prevent feeding issues and keep your pellet stove running smoothly.

Schedule professional inspection and maintenance at least once a year

Don’t forget to schedule a professional inspection and maintenance for your pellet stove at least once a year. This will help ensure that all components are working properly and can help prevent any potential issues before they become major problems.

A professional technician will be able to clean the stove, check for any wear or damage, and make any necessary repairs or adjustments. Regular maintenance is important for the overall performance and longevity of your pellet stove, so don’t overlook this important step.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you are experiencing persistent feeding issues despite your troubleshooting efforts, notice unusual noises or smells coming from the stove, or have been unable to resolve the problem after following manufacturer instructions, it is time to seek professional help.

Persistent feeding issues despite troubleshooting efforts

I understand that troubleshooting pellet stove issues can be frustrating, especially when you’ve tried everything to fix persistent feeding problems. It’s important to remember that sometimes these issues require professional assistance.

If you’re still experiencing problems even after following the troubleshooting steps and manufacturer instructions, it might be time to seek help from a qualified technician. Unusual noises or smells coming from the stove can also indicate a more serious problem that needs professional attention.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you’re unable to resolve the issue yourself. Your safety and the proper functioning of your pellet stove are top priorities, so don’t hesitate to call in an expert if needed.

Unusual noises or smells coming from the stove

If you notice any strange noises or smells coming from your pellet stove, it could be a sign of a problem. Unusual noises like grinding, squealing, or rattling might indicate an issue with the motor or auger.

Smells like burning or smoke could mean there’s a blockage in the exhaust system or that the pellets aren’t burning properly. It’s important to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure safe operation.

Failure to resolve the problem after following manufacturer instructions

If you’ve tried everything the manufacturer suggested but still can’t fix the issue with your pellet stove not feeding pellets, it might be time to seek professional help. Persistent feeding problems despite troubleshooting efforts could indicate a more complex underlying issue that requires expert intervention.

Unusual noises or smells coming from the stove should also be addressed by a professional technician. Remember, sometimes DIY fixes might not be enough, and it’s important to reach out to professionals who can properly diagnose and repair any issues with your pellet stove.


If your pellet stove isn’t feeding pellets, don’t worry! It’s a common issue with simple solutions. By troubleshooting and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can often resolve the problem on your own.

Remember to regularly maintain your pellet stove and seek professional help if needed. Keep your fireplace warm and cozy all winter long!


1. Why is my pellet stove not feeding pellets?

Your pellet stove may not be feeding pellets due to reasons such as a clogged auger, insufficient fuel in the hopper, a malfunctioning motor, or incorrect settings on the control panel.

2. How can I unclog the auger in my pellet stove?

To unclog the auger in your pellet stove, you can use a specially designed auger brush to remove any debris or blockages. Make sure to turn off the stove and disconnect it from power before attempting this.

3. What should I do if there is insufficient fuel in the hopper of my pellet stove?

If there is insufficient fuel in the hopper of your pellet stove, you should refill it with clean and dry wood pellets according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Avoid overfilling to prevent blockages.

4. Can I fix a malfunctioning motor on my pellet stove myself?

No, it is recommended to contact a professional technician for repairing or replacing a malfunctioning motor on your pellet stove. They have the necessary knowledge and tools for safe and proper repair work.

Eugene Duke Pic

Hi, my name’s Eugene Duke and I love sitting by my fireplace reading a book and sipping on an adult beverage. Do you have a fireplace in your house? I’ll help you figure out the best type and style of fireplace for your home.


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