What Are Fireplace Panels?

  • Fireplace panels, also known as back panels, are located between the fireplace opening and the surround.
  • They typically come in complimentary colors and materials to the hearth, and can often be purchased together.
  • The purpose of a back panel is to sit behind the fireplace opening and protect the wall from heat damage, as well as improve the look of the fireplace.
  • If you have a prefabricated fireplace, it likely has refractory panels on the sides and bottom of the firebox.
  • These panels are constructed to withstand high temperatures and add strength and durability to the fireplace.

What are fireplace panels and what do they do?

Fireplace panels, also known as back panels, are located between the fireplace opening and the surround. They typically come in complimentary colors and materials to the hearth, and can often be purchased together.

The purpose of a back panel is to sit behind the fireplace opening and protect the wall from heat damage, as well as improve the look of the fireplace. If you have a prefabricated fireplace, it likely has refractory panels on the sides and bottom of the firebox.

These panels are constructed to withstand high temperatures and add strength and durability to the fireplace. However, according to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), refractory panels should be swapped out when a nickel can fit into the crack, or when the surface is abraded more than 1/4″.

If you need to replace your fireplace panels, it’s best to use original manufacturer panels. When those aren’t readily available, Lindemann has good options, including Skamol Vermiculite panels, which are a customer favorite.

What is a Refractory Panel?

A refractory panel is a heat-resistant panel typically made of brick that is fitted to the sides and back of a fireplace. The purpose of a refractory panel is to reflect the heat of the fire back into the living area, providing extra warmth, as well as protect the fireplace from dangerous levels of heat.

When do Refractory Panels need to be replaced?

Refractory panels should be replaced anytime there is a crack in the panel. If the crack is traveling all the way through the panel, it must be replaced immediately, as cracked refractory panels can be a potential fire hazard.

How to replace your fireplace panels

  1. Call a certified chimney sweep.
  2. After the replacement of the refractory panels, you should not use the fireplace for at least 24 hours or until the new panels reach room temperature.

Where to find replacement panels

The best place to find replacement panels is through the original manufacturer.

If original manufacturer panels are not readily available, Lindemann has good options, including Skamol Vermiculite panels, which are a customer favorite.

Benefits of replacing your fireplace panels

  • Replacing your fireplace panels will improve the look of your fireplace.
  • It will also protect your wall from heat damage and increase the efficiency of your fire.
Eugene Duke Pic

Hi, my name’s Eugene Duke and I love sitting by my fireplace reading a book and sipping on an adult beverage. Do you have a fireplace in your house? I’ll help you figure out the best type and style of fireplace for your home.


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