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How to Adjust Gas Fireplace Flame Color
Users should open the damper before adjusting the flame color. You should give the gas fireplace a few minutes before adjusting the manual valve. Your fire will get enough oxygen with proper ventilation in your fireplace. How to Adjust Gas Fireplace Flame Color Have you been wondering how to adjust gas fireplace flame color? It’s important to ensure that all...
Electric Fireplace Blower
A fireplace blower is important to keep the electric fireplace working properly. If the electric fireplace blower is not working the fireplace will not function as it should. There may be some reasons why the fireplace blower is not working and tips on how to fix these issues. Electric Fireplace Blower Decrease Air Flow If the blower is not putting out as...
Can You Paint A Wood Stove?
Wood stove usual comes with a painted layer that is over the surface of the wood stove to provide features like heat resistance. After some time, the wood stove becomes damaged or worn out. You can see this through the wear or tear that appears after the paint peels off. If you want to restore the look of your wood...
fireplace damper
There are 3 main types: Fireplace throat dampers, chimney cap dampers, and flue dampers A fireplace damper can be opened or closed manually to allow gases from a fireplace to be vented safely. However, it also protects air from escaping the home when the fireplace isn't in use. You don't necessarily need a fireplace damper: you can have...
In the winter months, some people enjoy sitting in front of their fireplace with family and friends. In fact, this is a great way to spend an afternoon, especially when it is exceptionally cold, snowy, and windy outside. However, before anyone can make this scene a reality, the fireplace has to be prepared with a hot burning fire. Also, before...
A glass fire holder with a candle in it.
No, a gas fireplace doesn't necessarilly need a chimney. Rather, a gas fireplace needs a vent to be installed on the wall near the fireplace. The vent should not protrude out of the front of the house more than 1 inch. It can be covered with a decorative panel like those used in bathrooms or kitchen cabinets, or it could...
Brick Fireplace
Introduction Covering a brick fireplace with wood can change the look of a room in an instant. Wood is a versatile and attractive option for fireplace remodeling projects. Whether it's to add a modern vibe or give an old home a more rustic feel, there are many reasons why homeowners choose to cover their brick fireplace with wood. Materials/Tools Required Hammer ...

Article title: What is a cord, face cord and rick of firewood? Username of writer: shemmyrice Article keywords: What Is A Cord, Face Cord And Rick Of Firewood? Article body: Introduction Cords of firewood are frequently available when purchasing a large quantity of firewood for your home. What is the definition of a cord of firewood? A cord of firewood is a common word...
A woman is using a sander on a piece of wood.
A wood stove can be used as a heating source in the cold winter months. So for those days that you don't have firewood, this article will teach you how to make a wood stove cover. Materials: Bucket or paint pan 3 ft x 3 ft tarpaulin (to cover the bucket) One-inch thick, soft material (cotton) - I use an old...
wood stove
A cast iron is a material that is made by pouring molten iron into a mold. It is a very strong and durable material used for centuries in various applications. Over the years, cast iron has been used to make everything from pipes and railroad tracks to cooking pots and wood-burning stoves. Cast iron is made up of carbon and...