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How to Bank a Fire
Banking a fireplace generally means preserving, instead of extinguishing, a fire so that the remaining heat makes it easy to restart the next morning This can be done in outdoor fires or indoor fires For indoor fires, it's only recommended to 'bank ashes' over the coals in closed units like inserts or wood stoves, not open fireplaces, which...
How to Build a Fire with Wet Wood
Wet wood is simply an unseasoned log with a moisture concentration of about 20% to 60% (learn more about seasoned firewood here) If you want to heat the moist log with ease, ensure that you collect plenty of dry sticks, twigs, and pieces of logs. You may use either the pyramid or cabin fire structure. Skillful campers encourage...
Cleaning Candle Soot
According to some Reddit candle-cleaning experts, they recommend getting a soot sponge and try that before anything else. It's important to note- if you employ any sort of cleaning fluid first, the soot sponge won't work If that doesn't work, the next steps will depend on the paint finish- generally rubbing alcohol on a paper towel is effective ...
Exactly How Efficient are Electric Fireplaces?
Electric fireplaces actually convert electricity directly into heat, creating a 99% efficiency rate. All the heat stays in the home since electric fireplaces don’t use chimneys or vents- nothing is lost outside through venting Electric fireplaces instantly convert electricity to heat, meaning there’s no energy lost and hence, making them the most efficient heating solution. Electric fireplaces heat...
How Do Amish Fireplaces Work
The "Amish Fireplace" is actually a regular electric heater that is cleverly marketed by the Ohio-based company called Heat Surge, according to ConsumerAffairs It's a China-made product and apparently, the only Amish connection is the mantel ConsumerAffairs discovered that the Amish-built mantel portrayed in the ad is made and assembled by local area craftsmen from Ohio counties Holmes...
A man sitting in front of a wood burning stove.
To have your pellet stove work without electricity, during a power outage, for example, is to add a battery backup system or use a generator What will happen when the AC power goes out, your battery backup starts working automatically to power your stove without interruption. The way it works, the system works by intermediating between your heating...
soapstone stove
Soapstone is a natural material that will absorb the high heat of a fire and then radiates a gentle heat into your living space The way it works, it doesn't warm the air, but actually warms the objects in your home, providing a comfortable heat Compared to steel and cast iron wood heaters, which burn hotter, a soapstone...
patio firepit
A fire pit should be at least 10 feet (or 3 meters) away from any structure- use this as a baseline measurement to figure out patio size/fire pit orientation (Source) Keeping a functional patio fire pit begins with optimal safety and comfort for your guests. Experts recommend anywhere from three to six feet depending on how large the...
How Do Outdoor Wood Stoves Work?
An outdoor wood stove is a wood-burning, heat-producing appliance intended to be used in an exterior space, such as on a patio or deck. They are often built-in with brick or stone as a permanent installation. Examples of this are the "Dutch Oven" and the "Wood Butte". Outdoor stoves can be attractive additions to homes that have them...
While quartz can be gorgeous for your fireplace, some people say that the resin in engineered quartz isn't heatproof, and because of this it will degrade over time Another fireplace expert said that while quartz will not catch on fire, treat it like you would a drywall or wood floor Meaning, if you can put either of those...